Props to you if you get the South Park reference. Oh yeah I played Hello Kitty Online, because as a gamer I want to be diverse and not limit myself to merely just FPS and RPGs (that's my current excuse). The game is absolutely-freaking-amazing. There's enough happiness in that game to make you smile whilst listening to Nickelback non-stop for a year. Playing that game with Simon Chau makes it a thousand times funnier, as I had to refrain myself from asking every person that messaged me "ASL?", but I'm almost CERTAIN there are plenty of middle aged men playing that game... because of the entertaining mini-games, that CLEARLY must be it. SPEAKING OF SIMON CHAU:
That is all.
Nothing else really worth mentioning I guess, oh but I did start playing a FPS game Blacklight Retribution which has super special awesome graphics, but 2 minutes into a game as a newbie this guy started teabagging me... and he killed me from behind.
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, stay classy internet.