

I hope you've been doing fun and interesting things because I've been doing nothing remotely interesting the past few days. But I did play a hell of a lot of Yu-Gi-Oh.

Duel me please.

I also spent a hell of a long time just surfing the web, one image at a time and for some unknown reason something made me laugh for like ten whole minutes straight.

I can't look at this with a straight face.

Let's see, I have a medicine interview at Newcastle tomorrow. Don't really have much in the way of expectations, just going to get the gist and feel of a medicine interview. SOOOO tempted to just turn up in a singlet, boardies and thongs, but my parents would kill me before I could even attempt to do something so ridiculously unconventional. Shit man it's a long trip to Newcastle :'[ better break out the legit Pokemon on my iPod. Couldn't be bothered putting something Simon Chau related up this time so I'll just give you this gif which accurately represents my reactions to Simon Chau majority of the time.

Christopher Lloyd is sexy.