

If you asked me what my new year resolution is, it would most likely be to slap everyone on Earth who says:

"See you next year"
happy new year boys and girls.



AHAHAHAHAHA, I saw this and I couldn't help but laugh. I haven't really posted much lately because nothing has really happened much lately [fascinating]. I've found myself either sleeping, staring at a computer window shopping or working [none of which are very interesting]. I got my first ever blood test a few days ago and I got the results, and my blood is bitchin' even the doctor said my blood was REALLY good; cholesterol was perfect and my iron was perfect. No high cholesterol meaning pork rolls is still on my diet.

The only thing that was "insufficient" was my vitamin D which I can obviously attribute to my clear lack of going outside. I should probably open the curtains every now and then and let the sunlight in- NOPE. My internet is also INCREDIBLY BAD. My ping keeps just spiking horribly [1000+] so whenever I try to play Blacklight I just teleport horribly and end up being a severe handicap to my team; not even the beastly SIMON CHAU can carry the team when I am busy shooting at walls, running into walls, jumping into walls and making love to walls.

So I thought I'd just add HSC RESULTS ARE OUT IN A WEEK [because I'm a douche].

Commence crying in anticipation.



I hope you've been doing fun and interesting things because I've been doing nothing remotely interesting the past few days. But I did play a hell of a lot of Yu-Gi-Oh.

Duel me please.

I also spent a hell of a long time just surfing the web, one image at a time and for some unknown reason something made me laugh for like ten whole minutes straight.

I can't look at this with a straight face.

Let's see, I have a medicine interview at Newcastle tomorrow. Don't really have much in the way of expectations, just going to get the gist and feel of a medicine interview. SOOOO tempted to just turn up in a singlet, boardies and thongs, but my parents would kill me before I could even attempt to do something so ridiculously unconventional. Shit man it's a long trip to Newcastle :'[ better break out the legit Pokemon on my iPod. Couldn't be bothered putting something Simon Chau related up this time so I'll just give you this gif which accurately represents my reactions to Simon Chau majority of the time.

Christopher Lloyd is sexy.



My bowling prowess in a nutshell.

SOOOOOO many gutter balls :'[ I have lost the magical touch I once had with bowling, GONE are the days when I could make turkeys man [3 consecutive strikes]. Mr Faulds didn't have shit on me during rec sport Liverpool bowling. But now I'm just so so bad at it, my best score wasn't even over 100. Still it was super awesome fun to just play bowling and talk to people and shiiiiii- OMG THE FOOD WAS SO EXPENSIVE, didn't buy a single thing to eat there because it was too expensive. I have decided that every single one of my blog posts must require a dosage of Simon Chau, so I give you:

The Simon Chau seal of approval.

Erghhh what else, OH YES got a haircut and far out man the barber nicked the back of my neck so that it started bleeding. But I didn't even realise that it was bleeding until I was on my way home, HE DIDN'T EVEN TELL ME. What kind of douchebag does that? :'[

Faq u barber.

And on a more pleasant note, pictures of people:

 Do I... do I smell good?

 OMG is Wilson POUTING?!

this just in, **** sarks.

Sexy people.

Had an AWESOME time, thanks to everyone that showed up and to whoever organised it [I have no idea].



Amidst the supposedly "bliss" post high school life I can't help find myself EXTREMELY bored. At the rate that this is going, I am going to become this unrecognisable blob of nothingness that has shriveled up due to boredom. That sentence was incredibly superfluous, but I digress. To preoccupy myself on the long and now INCREDIBLY FREAKING HOT days (like seriously, you could fry an egg on my face) that roll by I've taken to the age old method of procrastination; playing games. But now I'm not procrastinating, I'm just playing games because I have absolutely nothing else to do :'[
Props to you if you get the South Park reference. Oh yeah I played Hello Kitty Online, because as a gamer I want to be diverse and not limit myself to merely just FPS and RPGs (that's my current excuse). The game is absolutely-freaking-amazing. There's enough happiness in that game to make you smile whilst listening to Nickelback non-stop for a year. Playing that game with Simon Chau makes it a thousand times funnier, as I had to refrain myself from asking every person that messaged me "ASL?", but I'm almost CERTAIN there are plenty of middle aged men playing that game... because of the entertaining mini-games, that CLEARLY must be it. SPEAKING OF SIMON CHAU:

That is all.

Nothing else really worth mentioning I guess, oh but I did start playing a FPS game Blacklight Retribution which has super special awesome graphics, but 2 minutes into a game as a newbie this guy started teabagging me... and he killed me from behind.

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, stay classy internet.